
45个jquery图片动画轮换插件,45+ Best jQuery Carousel Plugins

日期:2014-01-16 阅读:5814

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jQuery Carousel Plugin collection

All in one jQuery Banner Rotator / Carousel – MORE INFO | DEMO

All in one jQuery Banner Rotator / Carousel

Want a carousel plugin that also solves all kinds of slider and banner rotator needs. Then All in one banner rotator could be the jQuery carousel plugin you are looking for. This plugin is a premium option and a regular license cost $10.  This jQuery script can be configured to work as content carousel, a banner rotator, thumbnails banner, banner with playlist and content slider. All in one is responsive and it will adapt to fit mobile screens.

3D Carousel – Advanced jQuery Carousel – MORE INFO / DEMO

3D Carousel - Advanced jQuery Carousel

3D Carousel is a powerful premium jQuery carousel plugin (regular license cost $6) with support for both HTML markup and XML. With this plugin you can arrange a set of images in a cool carousel layout.

JCoverflip - MORE INFO / DEMO


jCoverflip is a free carousel plugin with a classic carousel design. The navigation is handles using a slider bar. It is simple to adjust the animation speed, fonts, colors and so on.

TouchCarousel – jQuery Content Carousel - MORE INFO / DEMO

TouchCarousel - jQuery Content Carousel

With TouchCarousel you get a premium carousel solution (regular license cost $10) with a mobile-friendly design. It is a lightweight jQuery script with touch navigation for spoiling mobile and tablet users.

PhotoStore Minimal Carousel - MORE INFO / DEMO

PhotoStore Minimal Carousel

PhotoStore Minimal Carousel is a clean and simple solution for adding a modern minimalistic carousel to your website. It is a premium option (cost is $5). the plugin have 8 color variations, 4 differenet carousel and slider styles.

Sky jQuery Touch Carousel - MORE INFO / DEMO

Sky jQuery Touch Carousel

Here you see the amazing Sky jQuery Touch Carousel plugin. It is a premium jQuery carousel plugin with many cool features and responsive, touch-enabled design. You can customize the visual appearance of the plugin with the help of the plugin options and CSS.

Tiny Carousel



I think Tiny Carousel is good option as it is free and a lightweight carousel plugin. It offers both horizontal or vertical carousel sliding styles. User can navigate  Tiny Carousel using paging or buttons.



Layer Slider - MORE INFO / DEMO

Layer Slider

This is a premium jQuery content slider using the famous parallax-effect to impress visitors. It comes with a carousel skin but basically this is more a content slider than a classic carousel design. It is possible to use images or any other HTML elements, including Flash movies as layers. This allows you to build really amazing animations.

jQuery Carousel Evolution – MORE INFO / DEMO

jQuery Carousel Evolution

With jQuery Carousel Evolution you get a true jQuery carousel plugin. This plugin is a premium option (regular license cost $4) and it allows you to easily set up a carousel slider using HTML markup on your web pages. The plugin also provides an easy to use API which will allow to further enhance the functionality of the carousel. A carousel like this is a great tool for presenting website screenshoots.

Cloud Carousel – MORE INFO / DEMO

Cloud Carousel

This jQuery carousel is a free carousel plugin. It features optional auto-reflections, and the information contained in the Alt and Title tags of the images can optionally be displayed as you hover over each image. The carousel features realistic perspective and rotate images in a 3D fashion.

CodingJack’s 3D Carousel - MORE INFO / DEMO

CodingJack's 3D Carousel

With this premium carousel plugin you get real 3D effects using CSS3 3D transforms. The effect is amazing but please note that the plugin is not fully responsive. It support touch on mobile phones and tablets, but does not adapt to the small screen sizes.

Advanced Slider – jQuery XML slider – MORE INFO / DEMO

Advanced Slider - jQuery XML slider

Advanced Slider is a fully responsive premium content slider with thumbnail preview. This plugin offers you the option to use either HTML markup or XML. The plugin also provides an easy to use API which will allow you to further enhance the functionality of the slider and will make it possible to integrate it into your own application.

jQuery Timeline Slider – MORE INFO / DEMO

jQuery Timeline Slider

Timeline Slider is a really cool plugin to build your history timelines. It is a premium option. Its main configuration can be easily customized due to its compact config parameters, directly from the html file. Also more configurations can be edited through the css style sheet file. Timeline Slider comes with 2 skins, Dark, Light, to make easy the integration on your web project. The powerful jQuery library makes this component cross-platform.

3D Touch Carousel - MORE INFO / DEMO

3D Touch Carousel

This is the 3D Touch Carousel premium jQuery plugin. It is a jQuery script for creating a true 3D carousel gallery. 3D Touch Carousel supports simulated 3d mode and real 3d mode powered by CSS3. In addition the script offers reflection for the images, and can be set titles to show on image. Touch events are supported on Android and IOSX devices.
Titles can be personalized with custom effects to show.

JSized Carousel – MORE INFO / DEMO

JSized Carousel

JSized Carousel is a jQuery plugin that converts a list of images into a nice image gallery. The layout and animation is a bit different from what you see in other plugins and it makes it worth cheking out.


BX Slider

BX Slider is a responsive and very flexible jQuery HTML Content carousel and Slider. This free option offers both horizontal, vertical, and fade transitions. 

RoundAbout for jQuery – cool jQuery Carousel – MORE INFO / DEMO

RoundAbout for jQuery

Roundabout is an interesting free carousel jQuery plugin that converts a structure of static HTML elements into a highly customizable turntable-like interactive area.

Roundabout Shapes - MORE INFO / DEMO

Roundabout Shapes

Roundabout Shapes provide even more paths along which your Roundabout can move. The current version of Roundabout Shapes offers eleven additional movements.

iCarousel™ – MORE INFO / DEMO


iCarousel is a premium jQuery carousel solution with a mobile-friendly layout. It ia a lightweight jQuery plugin that allows you to arrange a set of images in a carousel layout. The plugin also provides an easy to use API which will allow to further enhance the functionality of the carousel. Great for screenshoot slider.

Boutique carousel – MORE INFO / DEMO

Boutique carousel

This is a cool premium option for e.g. online shops to show off new products. It is a ready to use jQuery carousel script used to present your images in a unique, smooth and customizable way. You can easily customize the settings and use CSS to match your style and purpose.

Carou Fredsel – MORE INFO / DEMO

Carou Fredsel

jQueryCarou FredSel is a free jquery caroucel plugin that turns any kind of HTML element into a carousel. This plugin can scroll one or multiple items simultaneously, horizontal or vertical, infinite and circular, automatically or by user interaction. The Carou Fredsel plugin is responsive and adapt to mobile screens.

Showbiz Business Carousel jQuery Plugin – MORE INFO / DEMO

Showbiz Business Carousel jQuery Plugin

Showbiz Business Carousel is a premium option to show off content in a carousel format. This can be your services, portfolio items, blog content. The plugin comes in a dark and a light version.


AVIA Slider

This plugin features 8 unique transition effects, image preloader, autoplay that stops on user interaction and lots of easy to set options to create your own effects.

Barousel – MORE INFO / DEMO

Barousel is a jQuery plugin

Barousel is a jQuery plugin to easily generate simple carousels where each slide is defined by an image + any type of related content.

Elegant carousel – MORE INFO / DEMO

Elegant carousel

With Elegant carousel you get a premium carousel slider with two different effects. In addition you can also choose between 2 orientation styles. You can adapt the carousel slider using CSS to fit your design needs.

Liquid Carousel – MORE INFO / DEMO

Liquid Carousel

Liquid carousel is a jQuery plugin intended for adding a simple carousel to your web pages. Every time the container of the carousel gets resized, the number of items in the list change to fit the new width.

Agile jQuery Carousel – MORE INFO / DEMO

Agile jQuery Carousel

Highly customizable jQuery Carousel plugin so you can build according to your requirements. JSON data format is used to provide easier integration with external data or data from your CMS. Use it for agile web development. This is an all new version written from scratch. JQuery UI effects and the ability to read files on the server are no longer included. New features are added, such as “Control Sets” which allow for a more customizable setup. Now posted on Github for faster development.

jCarousel – MORE INFO / DEMO


With this simple jQuery script, jCarousel, you get a simple carousel solution for sliding items in either horizontal or vertical order. The items, which can be static HTML content or loaded with (or without) AJAX, can be scrolled back and forth (with or without animation).

Feature jQuery carousel – MORE INFO / DEMO

Feature jQuery carousel

Feature jQuery carousel will always display three images at the same time in a classic carousel style. All the rest of the images will be hidden behind the center image. Users can navigate using paging or number buttons.

3d Rotation Viewer – MORE INFO / DEMO

3d Rotation Viewer

This cool stuff easily creates a 3D rotation viewer in UIZE that lets users rotate the view of an object a full 360 degrees using a mouse, or finger on the Apple iPad.

Full Page Image Gallery with jQuery – MORE INFO / DEMO

Full Page Image Gallery with jQuery

This is a stunning full page gallery with scrollable thumbnails and a scrollable full screen preview. This works with thumbnails bar at the bottom of the page that scrolls automatically when the user moves the mouse. When a thumbnail is clicked, it moves to the center of the page and the full screen image is loaded in the background. Now the user can move up and down and the image will get scrolled automatically, giving him the opportunity to see all of the image.

Icarousel – MORE INFO / DEMO

iCarousel - Horizontal images slider

Carousel is an open source (free) javascript tool for creating jQuery carousel like widgets

Factory Galleries – MORE INFO / DEMO

Factory Galleries

This is another useful jQuery carousel plugin with a lot of design options and features. The carousel effect includes fog effect where the preview is partly faded. The sliding effect for both images and text is pretty cool.

Making an infinite JQuery carousel – MORE INFO / DEMO

Making an infinite JQuery carousel

In this tutorial we will make an infinite JQuery carousel. Many tutorials on how to make an infinite JQuery carousel are quite complex, so this is an attemot to show you how to make it much simpler.

Rcarousel – MORE INFO / DEMO

jquey carousel, Rcarousel

rCarousel – yet another (but super duper) continuous jQueryUI carousel. It has lots of features and good examples.

Step jQuery Carousel Viewer – MORE INFO / DEMO

Step jQuery Carousel Viewer

Step jQuery Carousel Viewer displays images or even rich HTML by side scrolling them left or right. Users can step to any specific panel on demand, or browse the gallery sequentially by stepping through x number of panels each time. A smooth sliding animation is used to transition between steps. And fear not in taming this script to go exactly where you want it to- two public methods, two custom event handlers, and three “status” variables are here for that purpose.

Thumbnails Navigation Gallery with jQuery – MORE INFO / DEMO

Thumbnails Navigation Gallery with jQuery

Thumbnails Navigation Gallery with jQuery is an extraordinary gallery with scrollable thumbnails that slide out from a navigation. It has a menu of albums where each item can reveal a horizontal bar with thumbnails when clicked. The thumbnails container will scroll automatically when the user moves the mouse to the left or the right.

jQuery Infinite Carousel Plugin – MORE INFO / DEMO

jQuery Infinite Carousel Plugin

Unlike most carousel plugins which stop when they get to the last image, this one allows the show to go on infinitely without any user intervention. If you have three images you want to display, after the third image has been displayed, the first image will be next. Through some clever JavaScript, images are shuffled around so that it appears as if the carousel is a true carousel and never ends.

jMyCarousel – MORE INFO / DEMO


jMyCarousel is a free, highly customizable, non obstructive carousel written in javascript, based on jquery, and created to suit any need. It enables to display a list or gallery of images in a dynamic way. It can be adapted very easily to any layout, and the way it animates the picture is adaptable.

Moodular jQuery Carousel – MORE INFO / DEMO

Moodular jQuery Carousel

Moodular is a jQuery plugin which allows to create carousel/slider very easily. Moodular comes from the contraction of two words : mood & modular.

Step Carousel Viewer – MORE INFO / DEMO

Step Carousel Viewer

Step Carousel Viewer is a free carousel script. It displays images or even rich HTML content in a carousel layout by side scrolling them left or right. Users can step to any specific panel on demand, or browse the gallery sequentially by stepping through the items. A smooth sliding animation is used to transition between steps.

jQuery Ms Carousel – MORE INFO / DEMO

jQuery Ms Carousel

This is a free carousel option. Each carousel can have own look and feel and behavior. You can put next/previous button wherever you want or simply leave them out.

 jQuery Carousel plugin - MORE INFO / DEMO

jQuery Carousel plugin

This is a small lightweight carousel jQueryplugin with a minimalistic design. It makes use of  jQuery UI’s Widget Factory with a few extra features including autoScroll.

Theatre Carousel – MORE INFO / DEMO

Theatre Carousel

This is a premium jQuery Carousel that can do both horizontal and vertical sliders and in particular the horizontal carousel looks awesome.

Making Mosiac Slideshow with jQuery and CSS – MORE INFO / DEMO

Making Mosiac Slideshow with jQuery and CSS

In this tutorial you will be making a jQuery & CSS mosaic gallery – it is also available as download. Mosaic, because it will feature an interesting tile transition effect when moving from one slide to another.

jDigiclock slider – MORE INFO / DEMO

jDigiclock slider


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